

    Markets and economic potentials are exploited ever faster. Therefore, joint ventures and business collaborations are on the rise. Especially for SMEs, the conquest of new markets on their own represents a huge investment, cost and time risk.

    Strategic cooperations by joint ventures offer the opportunity to create cost-effective synergies in a short time. This has many advantages, particularly in technology-based industries:

    • Knowledge and know-how transfer
    • Joint product development
    • Increase of innovation
    • Cost-optimized production
    • Fast market entry and use of existing distribution structures
    • Quality assurance
    • Legal certainty
    • Mutual knowledge and understanding of the local culture
    • Overcoming language barriers

    VENGA develops, organizes and coordinates international joint ventures and also takes part in them. Through its international network, VENGA successfully identifies and procures suitable strategic, technology and financial partners.

    Developing and structuring of a promising JV is a complex process and requires a clear approach and outline that is reasonable to all partners from the beginning.

    Until now VENGA with its team has developed successful joint ventures in the following industries: molecular biomedicine, energy, deep drilling, battery technology, electric mobility, cooperation projects for international trade and production (e.g. with different European, Iranian and Chinese partners).


    In the development of business cooperation projects and JVs VENGA’s activity is not limited to procurement and communication of ideas and partners. On the contrary, VENGA is actively involved in the business development of such projects. Project development is usually complex, time consuming and (depending on the industry) capital intensive process. Structure and orderly working methods are, therefore, essential for success.

    1. Vision / data collection / analysis

    • Definition of a clear business vision and the respective project goals
    • Data collection, research and analysis
    • Data room for central data management and storage (incl. interfaces for information and communication among project partners)

    2. Concept / Feasibility / Structure

    • Concept Study
    • Feasibility Study
    • Determination of definitive project and JV partners
    • Business Plan
    • Implementation plan and time schedule

    3. Financing

    • Financing model (equity, debt-financing, crowdfunding, etc.)
    • Implementation of financing

    VENGA is a strong partner for complex corporate transactions. The company coordinates all partners involved in the transaction and supervises the execution of tasks. Examples of corporate transactions:

    • Mergers & Acquisitions, (M & A deals)
    • Business succession
    • Business transformation
    • Restructuring

    In such transactions, usually a lot of people are working together: internal and external consultants, appraisers, investors, etc. These people are analyzing, editing and evaluating different questions and topics:

    • Business & Finance
    • Law
    • Tax
    • Technical aspects
    • etc.

    For an efficient cooperation of the project partners, a well-structured information and communication management system is crucial. VENGA manages and controls all data and information of a business transaction centrally from a digital server. In addition, documents and data can be provided in different languages, e.g. English, Chinese, Italian and Russian.


    Due diligence is an important activity in corporate transaction deals, such as Mergers & Acquisitions, restructurings, joint ventures and project development. A professional due diligence is necessary and important to analyze and prove individual facts and to accurately evaluate risks.

    VENGA, together with partners, structures due diligences for your business covering all relevant fields: Law, Tax, Finance, Technical evaluations. All procedures and tasks are executed by VENGA autonomously. Your daily work will not be disturbed.

    1. Virtual data room

    • Development of a digital storage structure
    • Digitalization of documents
    • Provision of server access to project participants and adaption of individual access rights

    2. Contract Management

    • Creation of overviews of company contracts
    • Examination of deadlines, risks, notice periods

    3. Legal audits

    • Examination of agreements, contracts and other documents regarding completeness and legal validity
    • Examination of permits, certificates, IP rights, etc.
    • Corporate documents (articles of association, determinations, commercial registry, publications, etc.)

    4. Technical Due Diligence

    5. Reporting

    • Periodic reports with current status and interim results
    • Final Report with risk assessment

    Sales recessions, liquidity crises, insolvencies and other circumstances urge a company to change. The restructuring of a business does not have to be seen only in a negative way. On the contrary, if the need of change is detected at an early stage, often unexpected potentials evolve through a reorganization. Crucial factors are an objective analysis of the actual situation, an appropriate action plan and the willingness of all parties to follow and focus on the new strategies.

    VENGA provides the following services on a restructuring project for your business:

    • Structuring of company data and analysis
    • Strategical planning, examination of options and analysis of feasibility
    • Business Plan for the continuation of business
    • Scouting and procurement of strategic partners and investors
    • Support in financing/ refinancing, etc.
    • Interim business management, etc.

    The global competition is forcing companies increasingly to expand activities to new markets. This also offers opportunities. Especially for high-tech companies that intend to sell their products in economically fast growing countries promising sales prospects emerge.

    Small-scale medium-sized enterprises in Europe place their focus on the development, production and distribution of technologically advanced products. Typically such companies do not engage specialized professionals who take care for the strategic business development in new markets.

    VENGA offers the following services to open your company the access to a new market:

    • Analysis of strategic markets
    • Scouting and procurement of strategic partners and investors
    • Cross-cultural understanding and communication
    • Business Plan
    • Simulation of all processes
    • Development and coordination of business partnerships (e.g., cooperations for trade, licensing and production, joint ventures, etc.)
    • Supervision of legal issues regarding international IPR

    VENGA will find the right partner for you. Our contacts in China, Russia, Iran, Switzerland and the United States will allow you to successfully enter the new market.